Helping Special Needs, At-Risk, and Adult Students Succeed Using Our Innovative Software
Easy-to-use and safe software that is available for individual home use or in school, adult, and correctional education spaces
Proven results. For example adult remediation for dyslexics improves reading outcomes at one grade level for every three months (at an hour a day) use.
Intelligent Tutoring System
Our Intelligent Tutoring System has been shown to:
Accelerate learning with a highly adaptive diagnostic/prescriptive solution
Close existing learning gaps in Reading, English/Language Arts and Math
Improve students’ reading ability and comprehension by two grade levels of gain per year of regular use
Dyslexia Intervention
New Century Noah Text® Lessons is an interventional solution created to help older students (middle school students, high school students, and adults) with dyslexia:
Better decode words
Develop fluency in reading
Improve vocabulary and comprehension.
This program was designed in partnership between Noah Text LLC and researchers at Michigan State University.
Research-Based Lessons
Research conducted on incarceration and correctional facilities has demonstrated that:
Correctional students, 38% of whom were of special needs, demonstrated twice the graduation rates using the Intelligent Tutoring System, compared to those who did not use the software.
Studies show 47% of inmates struggle with Dyslexia. Our interventions have helped several to complete the HiSET test with participants making whole grade level gains in comprehension within 4 months.
Giving At-Risk Students
Tools for Success in Reading and Math
Learners who have a higher probability of failing academically often drop out of school and suffer from deep skill gaps and/or learning disabilities. They may be 10th-graders performing at a 4th-grade level on paper, but they know content at higher levels than a typical 4th-grader. New Century’s Suite of tools helps these students fill deep skill gaps across a broad spectrum of grade levels quickly, without repeating material that they have already mastered. This makes learning and grade recovery efficient and quick.
Giving Teachers the Time for Students who Need One-on-One Attention
The software alerts the teacher when individualized attention and support are needed by a student and even provides a framework for the teacher to do so. In an independent study, at-risk students who used the Intelligent Tutoring System averaged two years of learning gains per year of use.
Sign Up for a Demo
Schools and Institutions
Are you a public school or education institute interested in our software?
Correctional Education
Are you a correctional education program in either Juvenile or Adult Incarceration?
Special Ed Students
Do you teach or work with Special education students with learning or physical disabilities?
At-Risk Students
Do you teach students at risk of dropping out of the school system or falling behind the rest of their class?
Adult Basic Ed-Students
Are you an adult or teaching adult education in english, math, or other language arts?
You can help a child succeed with dyslexia
You can help a child succeed with dyslexia. $54.61 covers the cost of working with a student. Consider a gift of 5 students for $273.05.
Here at New Century Education Foundation, we are initiating larger research studies costing $10,000 with Middle School Students and the incarcerated, where Dyslexia is highly concentrated. Consider a gift of $500 to help us reach this goal.